
by Quicklert



Quicklert application securely receives messages, alerts and Notification from your organization/ company. It allows you to view, acknowledge, callback or clear (your Quicklerts) from your phone. Quicklert can range from normal business notifications to emergency alerts. Quicker is a faster alternative to notify someone in or out of your organization/School/Office/City about IT outages, pending weather, 911 calls and much more. Quicklert becomes a most valuable solution to sending alerts and information to anyone – anywhere – anytime.Features1. Receive emergency notifications on your phone from within your organization2. Receive alerts and common business messages on your Phone when your organization sends out business messages and alerts3. Alerts can be classified4. Acknowledge Receipt of Alerts5. View list of users who have acknowledged an alert6. Delete Alerts from your View/Feed7. Picture ID with alerts